Tuesday May 25, 2021
EP83: Why Can’t Sales Run Like My Plant?
In this week’s episode of Market Dominance Guys, you’ll get to listen in on part 2 of the conversation between our own Market Dominance Guy, Chris Beall, and our guest, Mark Roberts, CEO, and founder of OTB Solutions. These two experts hold the same unfaltering belief about the importance of the first conversation a sales rep has with a prospect: they’ve learned that the cold caller has to believe in the potential value of the discovery meeting they are offering in order to be successful at setting that meeting.
Mark works as a consultant with CEOs of manufacturing companies, many of whom have voiced the lament, “Why can’t my sales department run like my plant?” Mark thinks that sales really can be a science. “There are dollars in your data if you know where to look,” he says. So, how do you get a CEO to say, “Oh! Belief really does count!”? Show them the numbers. Chris and Mark know that every time a CEO listens in on his reps’ sales calls during one of ConnectAndSell’s intensive test drives, they can easily discern the difference between reps who believe in the value of the meeting and reps who don’t — just by looking at the conversation-to-meeting ratio. They can see what “good” looks like and how much fun reps have when they are successful. Marks explains it like this: “Belief, worthy intent, and fun change the quality of the rep’s output. These things that sound ‘squishy’ are the bedrock of success.” And bringing market dominance to worthy manufacturers is the bedrock of this episode of Market Dominance Guys, “Why Can’t Sales Run Like My Plant?”
About Our Guest
Mark Allen Roberts, CEO and founder of OTB Solutions, works with company leaders to improve sales and profits by leveraging a data-driven, no smoke and mirrors approach to driving profitable sales growth through assessing sales teams’ skills, motivations, and beliefs and then providing strategic development to improve their performance.
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Here is the full transcript from this episode:
Chris Beall (02:22):
It's so interesting. And that worthy intent part is such a big deal. We went through something a few years ago with a manufacturing company in this case also, where they asked us to do some calling for them, which is something we did for a while. And then we backed off of that and let our partners like young blood works, Corey Frank runs that company, my podcast cohost and others who want to use ConnectAndSell in a setting appointments to do it. But we were doing it ourselves a little bit at the time and we were getting terrible results for a week. And a week of ConnectAndSells it, is a lot.
Mark Roberts (02:55):
That's a lot of conversation.
Chris Beall (02:56):
Four people we... It's a lot. It was roughly speaking, 600 conversations.
Mark Roberts (03:02):
Chris Beall (03:02):
And with four people that were working in that week, about 150 each and they were getting horrible results. And yet we knew that the scripting was good. The breakthrough script that we use, we know that it's effective if used correctly. They sounded good, but there was something a little off and over the weekend, I was out for a long run. And I suddenly thought, I know what the problem is. They don't believe.
Mark Roberts (03:25):
Chris Beall (03:26):
These people don't believe in the potential value of the meeting as a learning experience for the person they're talking with, regardless of whether business ever gets done any further. And so, went back to the customer to the company and said, "hey, could you dig up one or two folks who would have a very clean recollection of their first discovery meeting with your company?" And they could tell our reps, our top of funnel reps, what the customer learned from that meeting that changed their life.
Mark Roberts (04:00):
Right. That's [crosstalk 00:04:02].
Chris Beall (04:01):
And they found somebody and we had that person. The science was really something because we'd gone through this baselining without intending to.
Chris Beall (04:11):
And then we did this. We suspended all calling on Monday. And this person simply spoke from the heart for about 30 minutes, about how working with this company. It changed their life but the main thing was what they learned in that meeting even if they'd never moved forward that they found so valuable. And suddenly our people, same script, same list, same everything. Just add belief in the potential value of the meeting, backed up by the words of somebody who got value from that meeting. And they went from setting 3.2% of their conversations to meetings, to setting 12.6% and they did it in one day, just changing the belief switch. And I find that fascinating.
Mark Roberts (04:55):
Yeah. You reframe the mindset. They had a limiting belief. I'm going to go through this. I don't know if it's going to be a value. You demonstrated that it was tremendous value. And then they led with worthy intent. I applaud what you did. Oftentimes, they might have the technology, but they lack the training, but you guys provide the script and the coaching and the psychology of the call. I think what's going to ultimately happen as more manufacturers engage with you, the bottleneck is going to move. It's going to move to the conversation and it's going to move to closing. It's going to move to negotiating, but at least we'll be having conversations with people that we can serve. And we know they have problems that we can help them with. So, yeah, I think you guys really were onto something back then with the worthy intent.
Chris Beall (05:43):
Well, as a guest at the time, it was desperate because I'd taken on this. Basically it was like a skin in the game contract. It was such a good partner. I decided to do it. And then I realized, oh my God, talk about the tide going out. And then you look go, I forgot my swim trunks. So I felt pretty bad about having taken on that contract. And what I think is interesting is... I'm a very analytic guys. I'm a physicist mathematician by training and you don't go into those fields unless you're analytic. I don't know a lot of people that go, I think for four years, I'm going to sit here and work equations, like partial differential equations and stuff like that because I just think it's something a person should know how to do it.
Chris Beall (06:31):
You do it because you're naturally inclined to do it. So I'm a very analytical person and what my analysis would normally have not found. And I think most analytical people would agree with me is putting in potential ingredients, like belief, worthy intent, fun and believing that these are important, concrete, measurable, critical inputs and indications of the quality of outputs. I think funds and indication of the quality of the output that you're putting out for a mission critical business process on which their entire company's life depends.
Chris Beall (07:10):
I think a lot of people who become CEOs of these manufacturing companies are pretty analytical people. They've got to be.
Mark Roberts (07:16):
They are.
Chris Beall (07:17):
They go out on the floor, I've been out on the floor with tons of them and they can see what's going on. They analyze it quickly. You put the spreadsheet in front of them and they go, "yeah, yeah, yeah, that's not right" or "that is right" or "that means that's right", there like that. So it tends not to occur to them that these things that sound squishy are in fact, the bedrock of success, not for a function, but for the whole company, it just doesn't seem right. Do you find... Is that a problem as you see it to get them over that hump? How do you get a CEO to go, "oh, belief counts", right? It makes all the difference.
Mark Roberts (07:57):
Well, and again, I think a lot of times the strategy that I use is they want to see a business case. They want to see proof. So I asked them. Let me have 30 of your people for 60 days. Let me show you what good looks like. And once they see that, it's just like, when they're working in the plant and they're trying to improve efficiency and lower their manufacturing variance, it's a science. Well, sales can be a science if you know where to look and what data to look at.
Mark Roberts (08:27):
I just started a couple of videos that says, there's dollars in your data if you know where to look. And what's nice about ConnectAndSell is it gives you the data and you can constantly coach and improve. So the top of the funnel, if that's the problem you're trying to solve, very quickly, you're going to be able to adjust your message. You're going to be able to adjust your tone and in constantly make it stronger until you see a repeatable model that works. And then once you get the meeting, how many of those meetings are converting into business? Conversations that turn into revenue? Now that might be your bottleneck, but each one of these involves a training and technology and coaching.
Chris Beall (09:09):
Yeah. Driving that bottleneck down and measuring it and having the data is crucial but it's rare. I think it's rare because the current bottleneck for every company I've run into for years is actually, I will call it just above the top of the funnel that they measure. And as a result, there's no metrics coming to them. There's no data coming to them about the one thing that is holding them back. As soon as you bring the bottleneck down into the sales funnel, almost everybody can at least look at it and go, "oh", but until it's there and I say, that's kind of at discovery, the flow rate of discovery meetings until you make that the bottleneck, the tools. I think that most companies have, that most CEOs have at their disposal to measure progress towards new logos, which are, as far as my experiences, those the profitable logos. There before the procurement department on the other side grinds you down over the years.
Mark Roberts (10:08):
Chris Beall (10:09):
My dad used to be a head of procurement. So I got to watch what procurement did at home. My dad was ran procurement. So, that maybe that's why I'm on the sales side now. So, here's an example, how many companies, how many CEOs would be able to tell you what the prospecting output is? Flow rate is in terms of meetings set per prospecting hour for a rep? Per rep hour spent prospecting?
Mark Roberts (10:40):
I don't think we [crosstalk 00:10:41].
Chris Beall (10:41):
Would you... have you ever met one [crosstalk 00:10:43].
Mark Roberts (10:43):
I haven't met one that could do that. What they would do is they would defer to their VP of sales, ask them, and the VP of sales would have to manually try to figure it out with the CRM, but nobody can tell them for [inaudible 00:10:54] that I'm aware of.
Chris Beall (10:56):
Shockening, right? Because every factory you or I have ever been in, you can go to any point in the factory and ask the question, what is the flow rate?
Mark Roberts (11:07):
Chris Beall (11:08):
That is produced at this point. And every manufacturer knows the answer to that question. At every point, every process, every machine, every workstation, all the inputs, all the outputs.
Mark Roberts (11:19):
Well, I think that what thrives [crosstalk 00:11:21]. That statement the CEO has make, which is I wish sales would run like my plant. They know that to be true in a plant. The good news is their sales can run like that, but it just takes a different training. It takes different tools and it takes a different mindset, quite frankly, but again, in a weird way, their gut is right. Sales can run like that and can get you predictable results, but it just needs to be run a little bit different, more scientific, more data-driven than it's ever been before.
Chris Beall (11:55):
Yeah. And I think a lot of people who are going up to try to do something about it, they'll look at the... What they consider, maybe the more leading edge sales companies like software as a service company, SAS companies, maybe even Silicon valley startups and say, let's emulate them. So maybe we'll hire sales, development reps or do whatever. I've got data that says that for account executives, especially those experienced once you've talked about that you can take them and.. I have hard data by the way. This is a hundreds of reps going through what we call flight school. You can take them from this number, the average when you start them out untrained, even using ConnectAndSell. And you had mentioned dials per hour, ConnectAndSell tends to run about 170, 190 dials per hour per rep. So it's about two and a half to three days of dialing.
Chris Beall (12:46):
So to speak, that's done for them per hour. Even with ConnectAndSell. The average number of meeting set per hour per rep is about 0.39. During training, when you take them through a script that works, teach them how to say it, they're now going through what we call flight school during the blitzes, that number goes up to 0.53, that's pretty big lift, right?
Mark Roberts (13:12):
Chris Beall (13:13):
0.14 over 0.39. It's almost 50%. sustainably in the long run, if they continue to blitz and coach forever, that number actually goes up and up and up. And we'll stabilize around 0.72. This is the actual numbers that we have right now. And we have some companies that are in the 1.2, 1.3 range, but overall, those experienced reps, not going to sales development reps in a separate department setting meetings for them to setting their own meetings. They can do that at a rate of 0.72 per hour.
Chris Beall (13:49):
So if you kept 30 people and they prospected for an hour... Say an hour a day, at the end of a week, of any given week, that three... For five times 0.72, it'd be about 3.5 meetings per week that they would be able to have that you say they would hold with great competency, those discovery meetings. So 3.5 a week is that's 850 meetings a year eight something. If you have 30 of them, that's 30 times 800. Isn't that a big number? Three times 800 is 2,400, 24,000 meetings a year that it would be having. How could that not move the needle?
Mark Roberts (14:33):
Well, it definitely would. But again, we've got to find where the bottleneck is and I think you're right. I think when it comes to prospecting, the biggest bottleneck is just this the first conversation to get the meeting.
Chris Beall (15:23):
Which means that's the bottleneck of the whole company. This is the mission I've been on is to tell CEOs... I'm a CEO, right? If I couldn't go to my board and say an answer to a question, where's the bottleneck of the whole company right now? If I can't answer that question, I'm doomed. I happen to know in my company where the bottleneck is. The bottleneck in my company's in discovery. And it's a mindset issue. In discovery, when your mindset is both to take the next step and to qualify at the same time, it's an approach avoidance issue. It's like watching a horse try to jump a gate when it's not sure it can get over the gate or not sure it should. So it will tend to go around or stop and throw the rider.
Mark Roberts (16:07):
Oh, wow.
Chris Beall (16:08):
There's a commitment that you've got to have to an outcome to accomplish anything. It's like in a golf swing.
Chris Beall (16:14):
If I'm not sure that say, I've got a downhill putt and I'm afraid it's going to run way by the hole, that uncertainty will make me miss all putt short, long, sideways and everything else because I can't commit to an outcome. I'm not willing to take the risk. I believe in my company, my reps by and large don't want to take the risk of taking the wrong prospect through a test drive. And so that's what I get to a desk. And I would tell my board that, that's our problem. But our problem is not at the top of the funnel. No. We set 35 meetings a day like clockwork and that's way more than are needed to run the company. In fact, I've got a little slush factor above that. They spill out. Take... I get some leakage up there that's sideways.
Chris Beall (17:04):
Every CEO should be able to answer that question. I'm flabbergasted. If the problem is sitting right there above the top of their funnel, and that's the truth, that's the true bottleneck. Well, they resist that because they haven't seen it for so many years or are you... Because I look at a guy like you 30 years, 40, whatever. 30... How long is fact 83. 38 years of industrial experience on the sales side, a guy like you should be able to talk to a CEO and say, "hey dude, hard to break this to you. But the bottleneck of your entire company is likely to be in a place where you have zero metrics."
Mark Roberts (17:47):
I'll absolutely. Part of my practice is I do sales effectiveness assessments. And those assessments very quickly, we'll find that people have the will and the desire to hunt. So it's not like your salespeople are lazy or they don't want to try to sell. But when you quickly look at all the data, they lack the skills, the conversations, often technology to have those conversations. But once they have the conversation, they usually score very high in presentation skills, the ability to solve customer's problems, the ability to share insights, they score very high in that. So again, it's like you said, the theory of constraints, what's your constraint? Not many people are measuring dials that I'm aware of in the manufacturing space.
Mark Roberts (18:37):
I know that people in large enterprise software companies do measure outbound calls, the closure rate per call, but in manufacturing, it's not unusual for them to spend a tremendous amount of money to enter into a new market, let's say. And they've spent the development dollars. They spent the capital dollars and then they spend the marketing dollars to open up that market. But what's right in front of them is just the dials. How are you reaching out? How are you getting those conversations started? Have we gone so far as to rely a hundred percent on marketing? I think that's a big mistake.
Chris Beall (19:15):
It's crazy, but it's done.
Mark Roberts (19:16):
It is done.
Chris Beall (19:17):
I would say here's the number most folks don't know at all, which is on average for a manufacturing company, who's got a high end product to sell. Doesn't have to be a million dollars, but say, it's at least 50 to $100,000 per unit that they're selling, perhaps and that it's a considered purchase. How many dials should it take with a competent team, well-trained as a target to get a meeting? And the answer is across other manufacturing companies we're working with 261. So once you know that you'd think you'd want to know, well, okay, are we doing 261 of those whatever per day, per week, per month per rep or not? And yet I would contend most CEOs would look at that and go dial smiles. What's that? Who cares?
Mark Roberts (20:05):
Right. Again, I think we've uncovered the biggest bottleneck for most growth is simply starting the conversation.
Chris Beall (20:13):
So maybe the Biden administration who wants the economy to do well, because that's what you're supposed to do as president. Maybe they should be paying attention to this. They want manufacturing to succeed in America, right?
Mark Roberts (20:24):
Chris Beall (20:25):
And I think what you're saying is it's [inaudible 00:20:29] got all the ingredients of success except for one little issue, which is, it's almost like, imagine. I'm trying to imagine. I'm thinking of a plant and this is happening right now, by the way, in a way, if I was running an automotive plant right now, this is a problem I would have. Semiconductors aren't coming in predictable.
Mark Roberts (20:48):
Chris Beall (20:49):
My supply chain people are going crazy trying to find semiconductors. They're looking at alternate sources of supply. They're going to designers and saying, can we substitute this chip for these two chips because I can get these? Can you redesign that board?
Chris Beall (21:03):
What can we do? Where are we going? Does anybody have surpluses here and there? Can we go down and quality a little bit? What can we do? And what it feels like if you're running the plant is it's fits and starts. It's like, you're the one thing that you must have to make a car now is Silicon. You have to have chips. Cars are full of chips nowadays. If I'm missing one of those chips, I can't ship the car with some critical function like the thing that makes the anti-lock brakes work, not in the car.
Mark Roberts (21:35):
Chris Beall (21:37):
That's not they we're geared. Not allowed to do that. So it's almost like you have a door that's on one of your days where you take in your raw materials in your parts in order to feed your factory.
Chris Beall (21:49):
And then the door has a lock on it that opens at random. And it opens every once in a while and then it shuts at random and you go, oh, I guess we got a little something. We can make it, right? Conversations with relevant prospects, play that role in every single company. So we talk about a Silicon shortage or a chip shortage and that's a disaster for the economy and everybody's freaking out, everybody's freaking out. That's all there is to it, right? And yet we've had a conversation shortage that is worse than the chip shortage, but we've just gotten used to it and decided that it's okay.
Mark Roberts (22:29):
One of the biggest challenges that I see is people understand, let's say prospecting, they might have some skill, but very rarely do I see a team that continuously prospects. So what that ends up being is that rollercoaster ride of great month, poor month, great month, poor month. We've got to help our salespeople constantly be reaching out, trying to get new business from new customers, as well as gaining share of wallet at our current accounts. But again, that's going to require skills and technology to do so.
Chris Beall (23:00):
Is there a part of the manufacturing industry, a sub sector that you think is particularly stressed right now? And therefore might be more open-minded or desperate? I like desperation. Some people, it makes them close-minded. Some people, it makes them creative and finding the creative ones is fairly straightforward. You just talk to enough people and somebody will go, "hey, wait a second. That has really been bothering me." You have an answer or a possibility in that area. I want to talk to you. Is there some part of manufacturing, the stress right now with all that's going on that you would say, "yeah, better than others to solve this problem?"
Mark Roberts (23:37):
Well, a number of my clients, whether they're in building supply, metals, plastics, they went from in the middle of the pandemic, seeing sales declines to now, it's the bounces is occurring. So they're struggling just to keep up and grow. But I'd have to think about that. What particular manufacturing area would have the biggest return on investment of fixing the top of their funnel. I think it's something that would benefit every manufacturer though. I've yet to go into a business plan where they didn't lay out, "okay. What's our growth plan next year. Okay, what percent of that is organic? What percent of that is net new logos?" And it typically it's the net new logos that fail year after year.
Mark Roberts (24:21):
You had mentioned sales is getting more difficult. I think it was insidesales.com that's been tracking what percent of salespeople are hitting quota every year. Since 2016, it's consistently gone down every year. I think we're now into the 50 percentile. 56, 53% of salespeople are achieving the quota that the CEO sold to the board and their shareholders. So I think it's just about positioning and building awareness, quite frankly, because most CEOs are very systematic, pragmatic thinkers. And I think we just need to build the awareness of the impact that this could have on their bottom line.
Chris Beall (25:03):
Well, you know how we do that and I'd love to work with you to help open a couple of minds, really. We do this thing called an intensive test drive. As I say to anybody, don't even think about this, just try it with a little group for one day and then we'll talk. And the reason I do that is 10 X is not describable, right?
Chris Beall (25:25):
It's like saying, I got a 600 mile an hour car. God, doesn't sound so good. Plus it doesn't sound so real. So I don't think you have one of them. And plus if I had one, am I going to drive a 600 mile an hour car? That's crazy. I can't do that. So we come in and we got to look. All good CEOs are from Missouri. They all want to show me, don't tell me. So it goes better than show you, let's experience it together. Do you think CEOs that you know would actually observe, listen to their reps talking, having dozens or even a hundred plus conversations in a test drive like that? Would they take... Because that's precious time for them. CEOs time is precious. Would they take 30 minutes or an hour and listen in and go. What? We're saying that? Or whatever the outcome might be.
Mark Roberts (26:13):
I would think most CEOs would be interested in knowing what their market facing people are saying and what with what frequency, but the test drive being free and what you're doing is basically creating the business case every CEO needs. So what does good really look like? For years, they've been told good looks like three good appointments a month. With a test drive they could see they're getting 20, 30 appointments a month. Once they see what good looks like, that's when things are going to change.
Chris Beall (26:47):
Yeah [crosstalk 00:26:48].
Mark Roberts (26:47):
Lot of CEOs I've been told that their team is doing really good. They're doing great. Maybe they're hitting their numbers by growing their current business, as long as the main number gets hit, right? But what would have happened to your bottom line, if you would have had those net new logos or entered that new market and penetrated it and grew market share just because your salespeople were more efficient and more effective.
Chris Beall (27:13):
It's fascinating. Well, I'm looking forward to working with you on this. I'd like to have my top [cold 00:27:18] caller, [Cheryl 00:27:20] Turner, if you're willing to do it. Set meetings for you to meet with CEOs. Cheryl can get CEOs to come to meetings all day long. At first, it'll be a little rough because it's a new value prop, but it'd be fascinating just to see what happens if you were to have meetings with CEOs about what you're doing with them, right? Your business. And see whether any of them might be interested in the experience because I think experience beats talk any day but you got to have talk to talk somebody into having an experience. First time I jumped out of an airplane. It was also the last, but I loved it. Somebody had [inaudible 00:27:58] isn't it? They had to offer the opportunity, but also say, and here's the purpose of it.
Chris Beall (28:05):
This experience is going to liberate you from some of your self-limiting beliefs. And hopefully I said it won't liberate me from life on this planet as I slam into the [inaudible 00:28:15] and it's not so good.
Mark Roberts (28:15):
Correct. Yeah.
Chris Beall (28:17):
So somebody's got to have that conversation. Is that something you'd be willing to do if Cheryl were to set some meetings for you if you do?
Mark Roberts (28:24):
Yeah. But again, in the spirit of worthy intent, it would excite me to reach out to manufacturers and show them what good could look like. It would totally change their perception of sales and then actually would validate their belief that sales could run like a plant.
Chris Beall (28:39):
I think that's the biggest idea I've heard of Market Dominance of Guys. I wrote an article four years ago, five years ago, three parts or four parts or five parts and they ask this question, can sales be industrialized? And my answer was yes and I laid out though. If the math and the whole bit, right? It was not a popular article. It's out there on LinkedIn to this day. You can still go find it, it's on our blog. I thought it was a breakthrough. I thought, man, I've got it right. This is like [inaudible 00:29:11] let's ask the question. Can sales be industrialized? [Aaron Ross 00:29:14] asked this question about predictable revenue and specialization. Now the one thing you didn't think needed to be specialized was dialing in navigating the phone itself at that time way back then, that didn't seem like the thing, right?
Chris Beall (29:28):
So instead it was a specialization around some other functions, including getting the meeting. I actually believe the unit of specialization where the most arbitrage has to be found is right there, dialing and navigating the phone, but not talking to the person, not talking to the target. And the mathematical consequence of all that when you analyze it. So sales can be industrialized. It really can at least down through discovery. So what you're saying is, I like that you're phrasing better, which is, the why [inaudible 00:30:01]. Why can't my sales organization, my sales function run like my shop floor?
Mark Roberts (30:09):
And they can.
Chris Beall (30:11):
That's a question. And they can. We think they can. Okay.
Mark Roberts (30:14):
No. And I've [crosstalk 00:30:14] got you and Cheryl in demonstrating that with those free trials that you're generous to give because we're going to show them what good look like.
Chris Beall (30:22):
Oh. Thank you. Yeah. We call it blowing doors, blow some doors off when it is a shocking experience. And that the main thing about it is, and [Matt McCorkell said 00:30:33] this very, very clearly. He said, "you know what? Here's how I knew it was working on the test drive. And I was personally there and it's test drive in Milwaukee is plant. But some people are not at the plant at the sales office. People who had never used the phone. And I took him aside after we had brought some beer at the end and we're talking about it. I said, "what'd you think?" And he said, "I don't really have to think I'm a very analytical guy, but they were having so much fun that I know it was working." And I think that might be the thing that we'll have folks look out for because that is what happens.
Mark Roberts (31:04):
It's timely brought fun to prospecting.
Chris Beall (31:09):
It is. All right. Well Mark, thanks so much for being on Market Dominance Guys. I see you as saving the nation quite frankly, because manufacturing... Well, I'm serious. I mean, we've had a save the world thing that had to happen with the vaccines and that got done miraculously.
Mark Roberts (31:31):
[inaudible 00:31:31].
Chris Beall (31:32):
There you go. Right? Here, we have in a way, it's not a vaccine. It's more of a food that can strengthen our manufacturing sector. And when you want manufacturing to grow, you also want to compete. You're competing with companies around the world. And so I take this pretty seriously as an opportunity and I hope we can work together and bring market dominance to where the manufacturers right here at home and make a huge difference.
Mark Roberts (32:01):
And the good news is, what we'll close on is elite sellers have one thing in common, which is a utilitarian trait. If I do this, I expect this. When they experience the test drive, they're never going to look back. They're going to know how efficient and effective they could be. And that sets the bar because these are like athletes, right? They're always trying to get better. So I'm excited to work with you.
Chris Beall (32:27):
It's got to be fun. All right. Well, thanks so much for being on the show too. And Corey, dude, you could have been here for this, the pivotal moment in the entire manufacturing sector, the future of our country. I know you're a Patriot and you're here in spirit, my friends. So thanks so much. And everybody, this has been an episode of Market Dominance Guys with Mark Roberts. How to get people get ahold of you? I know Cheryl is going to call them, but say, CEO gets a hold of this and they go, "oh, I got to talk to that mark Robert sky." What did they-
Mark Roberts (32:59):
I'm an old school guy, right? If you want to find me just Google the words, fixed sales problems. I'm typically number one in the world, but I prefer just to give you myself. That's how CEOs reach out to me. Three, three, zero four, one, three, eight, five, five, two. I'm an old school guy. I've got conversations with people.
Chris Beall (33:17):
Well, I love it. All right. Well, everybody reach out to Mark and fix sales problems if that's not something worth doing, I don't know what it is. Thanks so much and see everybody next time on Market Dominance Guys.
Mark Roberts (33:29):
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